Gig Buddy -pilot

During 2024, Tampereen Kulttuurikamari Ltd will pilot the Keikkakaveri service, which aims to create safer event experiences and diversify the customer experience for lonely event-goers. The Keikkakaveri service is for people who go to cultural events but may not have a close network of friends or like-minded gig-goers. 

We are using a form to identify those who would like to volunteer for Keikkakaveri and those who could use the service to attend events. Keikkakaveri volunteers will be available to accompany you to various events at Tullikamari and Tavara-asema. The form asks for your wishes and thoughts about Keikkakaveri service, either as keikkakaveri, as a service user, or both.

Keikkakaveri is a substace free service. Being a Keikkakaveri does not require any professional skills, as it is not a therapeutic service and the keikkakaveri is not responsible for physical assistance. Keikkakaveri keeps company and provides an opportunity for someone who would not go to an event alone. Being a keikkakaveri is voluntary and based on openness and trust. Keikkakaveri is an activity managed by Tampereen Kulttuurikamari Ltd. Keikkakaveri-volunteers are trained before their first encounters. 

Use this form to volunteer as Keikkakaveri!

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